Feb 11, 2025  
MCCC College Catalog 2023-2024 
MCCC College Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Campus Safety

Safety Services

Providing a safe and secure campus is a key element in assisting the college in accomplishing its mission. The college is committed to providing a safe campus, and in addition to institutional procedures, students and staff are encouraged to be personally responsible for their own security as well as others.

Safety Services is the direct responsibility of the vice president of finance and administration, while the chief of safety services is responsible for day-to-day operations. The safety services staff is comprised of individuals with extensive law enforcement/security experience and knowledge, and possesses an excellent working relationship with local law enforcement agencies, including the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department and the Michigan State Police. Criminal acts are investigated by local area law enforcement authorities. There are currently no memorandums of understanding between Safety Services and local law enforcement.

Safety Services provides a safe and secure campus environment for students, staff, faculty and visitors. Both foot and vehicle security/safety patrols are conducted in order to minimize and deter the occurrence of crime, protect the peace and serve the interests of the college.

Awareness and Prevention Programs

MCCC is committed to increasing the awareness and prevention of violence. MCCC continues the effort to provide students and employees with educational programing and strategies intended to prevent domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. The purpose of these programs is to help students, staff and visitors feel empowered to act by giving them specific processes and resources to intervene in a safe, early and effective manner.

At New Employee Orientation, all new employees receive orientation on Title IX, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking through the Office of Human Resources.

Annual Campus Safety and Crime Awareness Report

Description of Campus Security Policies

Providing a safe and secure campus is a key element in assisting the college in accomplishing its mission of offering instructional programs and student and community activities.

The college’s Board of Trustees and administration is committed to providing a safe campus. In addition to various measures that have been taken by the Board and administration to create a safe campus, students and staff are encouraged to be responsible for their own security and the security of others.

Following are various policies and procedures that the college has adopted to prevent and deal with security issues on college premises.

Incident Reporting - Other than Emergencies

The college asks that all criminal actions, suspected criminal actions, accidents or unusual incidents be reported immediately. If you are a student, this can be done through your instructor. If you are an employee, this can be done through your supervisor. Both students and employees may also report directly to the switchboard receptionist. The receptionist will contact Safety Services or the Office of the Vice President of Finance and Administration to complete an incident report. Monroe County Community College does not have a confidential reporting program, and all victims are encouraged to report crimes and emergencies to Safety Services. Effective crime prevention begins with personal involvement and responsibility. By taking a few moments to think before acting, we can all make ourselves less likely to become a victim or a statistic.

Crime prevention is everyone’s job. With some effort and forethought we can maintain a safe campus environment.

Crime Statistics

Monroe County Community College 2022 Annual Security Report (Data includes 2019, 2020 and 2021)

There were no crimes reported to the college’s safety services authorities or to the local law enforcement agencies that was required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act and the Higher Education Opportunity Act to be reported.


This act requires institutions to disclose three general categories of crime statistics:

  • Criminal Offenses-Criminal homicide, including murder, sex offenses, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft and arson.
  • Hate Crimes-Any of the above-mentioned offenses, and any incidents of larceny-theft, simple assault, intimidation, or destruction/damage/vandalism of property that were motivated by bias; and

The 2008 HEOA regulations expanded the list of hate crime statistics to be included in Clery Act statistical disclosures.

  • Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action for Weapons: carrying, possessing, etc., drug abuse violations and liquor law violations.

In accordance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics and the Campus SaVE acts, Monroe County Community College commits to providing all current and prospective students and employees with access to annual campus security reports for both of our campuses by October 1 of each year.

This federal law requires institutions to publish an annual report including crime statistics for the prior three years, policy statements regarding safety and security measures, campus crime prevention program descriptions, and procedures to be followed in the investigation and prosecution of alleged sex offenses.

The Clery Act also requires universities to keep an up-to-date crime log to issue timely warnings in the event of a crime threatening the safety of students or employees, and to keep accurate crime statistics. This information is available in the Safety Services section of the MCCC website.

MCCC publishes this information to inform members of the campus community and other interested parties of incidents of crime and to educate them in effective crime prevention and safety measures to assist them in making informed decisions relative to their safety. A notice is sent to all students and employees with a direct link to this report every Fall and Winter semester. These crime statistics reflect incidents that occurred on MCCC property, on public property adjacent to the college or at sites owned or leased by the college during the previous three years. Monroe County Community College does not provide residential dormitories or facilities for on campus student housing. The vice president of finance and administration has primary responsibility for categorizing, disseminating and publishing crime statistics collected on-campus and includes statistics obtained from various local law enforcement entities.

Campus save act: policy concerning sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking (including prevention, statistics and response)

MCCC is committed to providing a safe learning and working environment. In compliance with federal law, specifically the Jeanne Clery Act (Clery Act) and the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (SaVE Act), MCCC has adopted policies and procedures to prevent and respond to incidents of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. These guidelines apply to all members of the MCCC community (students, faculty and staff) as well as contractors and visitors. Every member of the MCCC community should be aware that such behavior is prohibited by law and college policy.

Monroe County Community College does not tolerate stalking, dating violence, domestic violence or sexual assault in any form, including acquaintance rape, attempts to obtain sexual favors through coercion, including but not limited to, threats to embarrass or intimidate the victim (even when this does not include threat of force). Individuals who the college determines more likely than not engaged in these types of behaviors are subject to penalties up to and including dismissal or separation from MCCC.

Sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking emergency reporting

Monroe County Community College encourages victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking to report the incident immediately in order to ensure that victims receive the services they need. Reports should be made immediately to Safety Services, and/or to the local or state police authorities. The National Sexual Assault Hotline - 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) also provides immediate advice and assistance to victims. A report should also be made as soon as possible to the vice president of finance and administration if the assault occurred on campus.

For complete reporting instructions, please visit the MCCC Annual Campus Crime Report by visiting the Safety Services area of the college’s website.

Your role in preventing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking:

Please visit one or both of these valuable resources:

Sexual Offender Information

In an effort to provide the best service for the MCCC campus community, we have provided a link to the Michigan Public Sex Offender Registry (PSOR): http://www.communitynotification.com/cap_main.php?office=55242/.

The link will take you to a disclaimer, which you must first agree to before viewing the site.

Ohio’s Attorney General’s Office hosts a relevant site that can be found at https://www.communitynotification.com/cap_safety_1.php?office=55149.

This site provides a search engine for offenders and links to subject-related databases of sexual offenders for all 88 Ohio counties.

Campus Emergencies

MCCC has established procedures to immediately notify the campus community upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students, employees or visitors occurring on campus. These procedures provide for rapid notice to local law enforcement and senior administration to evaluate and confirm an emergency or dangerous situation and, if confirmed, for same persons to determine the appropriate content of the notification.

In cases of emergency, the college’s switchboard operator (-0- from any campus phone) should be contacted immediately. The switchboard operator will directly contact Safety Services. If the switchboard is closed, assistance can be requested by dialing 911 from any courtesy phone. 

MCCC will, without delay, and taking into account the safety of the community, determine the content of emergency/dangerous situation notifications and initiate the notification system, unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to or otherwise mitigate the emergency.

The warnings will be communicated with the college community regarding the procedure for an emergency response and/or evacuation. The warning may be issued in the following manner:

  • Emergency Notification System
  • Email to currently enrolled students at their MCCC student email account
  • Email to all MCCC campus email users, including faculty, staff and administrators
  • Notices placed on entry/exit doors in all buildings
  • Public address system
  • Campus television network
  • Local media
  • MCCC main webpage - www.monroeccc.edu

Depending on the particular circumstances, especially in all situations that could pose an immediate threat to the community and individuals, MCCC will notify the Monroe County Sherriff’s Department and the Michigan State Police.

To view the MCCC Campus Emergency Response Plan, please go to the Safety Services section of the college’s website.

Timely Warnings and Campus Emergencies

Timely Notifications: A timely warning will be issued by the vice president of finance and administration when a situation arises that constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on MCCC owned or leased property.

Depending on the nature and/or severity, the warning may be issued by the following methods:

  • Emergency Notification System
  • Email to currently enrolled students at their MCCC student email account
  • Email to all MCCC campus email users, including faculty, staff and administrators
  • Notices placed on entry/exit doors in all buildings
  • Public address system
  • Campus television network
  • Local media
  • MCCC main web page - www.monroeccc.edu

A timely warning will include any information that would promote safety. Anyone with information that may justify a timely warning should contact the vice president of administration at 734.384.4206 or contact the switchboard by dialing “0” from a campus phone or by dialing 734.457.6007. Every attempt will be made to distribute the alert within 48 hours of the filed report or incident.

For more information about Timely Notifications, please visit the Safety Services area of the MCCC website.