Feb 11, 2025
MCCC College Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
MCCC General Education Course Satisfiers*

*See website for the most current list of course satisfiers.
C1 - GE Natural Sciences Competency
C2 - GE Mathematics Competency
C3 - GE Writing Competency
C4 - GE Computer Literacy Competency
C5 - GE Human Experience Competency
C6 - GE Social Systems Competency
General Education Goal: Critical Thinking
C1 - GE Natural Sciences Competency
Understand and apply the elements of scientific inquiry and scientific principles in a natural science college laboratory course setting. Learning Objectives: In order to achieve the learning outcome, the student will be able to: - Observe and describe natural phenomena and formulate hypotheses.
- Plan and implement scientific experiments to test hypotheses.
- Utilize scientific laboratory skills for data collection within a college laboratory setting.
- Evaluate experimental data and propose solutions based on this data.
- Evaluate the proposed implications of a solution.
Courses Meeting GE Competency (Take one.) C2 - GE Mathematics Competency
Use mathematics to effectively model and evaluate quantitative relationships Learning Objectives: In order to achieve the learning outcome, the student will be able to: - Use arithmetic and geometric concepts and representations to solve, estimate, calculate and check answers to problems to determine the reasonableness of results.
- Utilize linear, exponential and other nonlinear models to evaluate the nature of relationships in real world problems.
- Organize, analyze and interpret various representations of data, including functions, graphs and tables.
- Utilize a variety of problem solving strategies to solve problems and communicate findings using appropriate mathematical language and symbolism.
Courses Meeting GE Competency (Take one course below or earn a passing score on the competency exam.) General Education Goal: Communication
C3 - GE Writing Competency
Write effectively. Learning Objectives: In order to achieve the learning outcome, the student will be able to: - Write clear and concise sentences using Standard American English with appropriate syntax and mechanics.
- Write paragraphs that demonstrate unity and coherence with appropriate details and examples that support the topic and thesis.
- Develop written compositions using organizational patterns or rhetorical modes appropriate for the desired audience and purpose.
- Combine the composition skills of prewriting, revising and editing to complete a final, college-level draft.
Courses Meeting GE Competency (Take one.) C4 - GE Computer Literacy Competency
Understand and apply current and appropriate technology tools and resources. Learning Objectives: In order to achieve the learning outcome, the student will be able to: - Demonstrate an understanding of the functionality and terminology associated with current information technology tools and resources.
- Demonstrate the ability to conduct online research to locate and retrieve relevant information from credible sources.
- Demonstrate the ability to use document processing software.
- Demonstrate the ability to use presentation software to communicate information and ideas.
- Demonstrate the ability to appropriately and responsibly utilize current communication technology methods.
Courses Meeting GE Competency (Take one course below or earn a passing score on the competency exam.) General Education Goal: Social and Cultural Awareness
C5 - GE Human Experience Competency
Recognize expressions of the human experience. Learning Objectives: In order to achieve the learning outcome, the student will be able to: - Analyze key events (including historical, social, economic and/or personal) that influenced a particular form of creative human expression.
- Analyze key events (including historical, social, economic and/or personal) that demonstrate how a particular form of creative human expression influenced other works.
- Evaluate a particular form of creative human expression in the context of the appropriate academic discipline.
- Create or reconstruct an expression of the human experience and share with others (if the class is performance based).
Courses Meeting GE Competency (Take one.) C6 - GE Social Systems Competency
Understanding the processes that influence human values, thoughts, social systems and behavior Learning Objectives: In order to achieve the learning outcome, the student will be able to: - Recognize the processes by which individuals acquire social knowledge attitudes and beliefs.
- Recognize major influences on social behavior and social systems.
- Demonstrate knowledge of human diversity including characteristics of a culture outside the student’s own.
- Demonstrate knowledge of at least one systematic method for obtaining knowledge about social influences according to a recognized social science discipline.
Courses Meeting GE Competency (Take one.) *See website for an up-to-date list of courses that meet general education competencies. Important Notes Regarding General Education
Courses required in the curriculum for particular programs may also fulfill General Education requirements. Students should carefully compare course requirements for their programs with General Education requirements to ensure they enroll in the most efficient manner possible. Particular programs may recommend students take specific courses meeting General Education requirements for the purpose of transfer. Students should check the transfer requirements for the college or university they plan to attend to ensure they enroll for the appropriate required courses. Students meeting General Education requirements by earning passing scores on the competency exam may need to make up credit hours for degree requirements. A student must earn a minimum of 60 semester hours of credit, 15 of which must be earned at MCCC. Transfer courses not having an equivalency at MCCC may be evaluated for competency by a faculty content expert and approved by the dean of that division. This process is initiated by the transfer student and will be done on a case-by-case basis.