Mar 06, 2025
MCCC College Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
MATH 273 - Introduction to Differential Equations Credit Hours: 3 Billable Contact Hours: 3 Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in MATH 172 , Calculus II, within the last three years is highly recommended MTA Mathematics Satisfier Y Session Cycle: WI
Topics include: First-order equations: solution methods, existence, uniqueness, and numerical techniques, Second order equations: constant coefficients, reduction of order, Laplace transform, series, variation of parameters, Systems of equations: eigenvectors and eigenvalues, fundamental matrix solutions, equilibrium points, qualitative behavior, phase plane diagrams, applications of differential equations to scientific, engineering and economic problems. Students will be expected to work with mathematics numerically, graphically, analytically, and verbally.