Mar 13, 2025
MCCC College Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
POLSC 153 - Introduction to Political Science Credit Hours: 3 Billable Contact Hours: 3 Prerequisites: RDG 090 and ENGL 090 or qualifying scores on accepted placement tests C6 General Education Social Systems Satisfier Y MTA Social Sciences Satisfier Y Global Studies Satisfier Course Y This course offers a survey of the foundational concepts of political science, including a survey of its various sub-fields - American politics, comparative politics, international politics and political philosophy. Students will analyze political ideas, theories, ideologies, systems and policies and will be asked to apply these concepts in identifying types of political institutions, describing political behavior from an empirical perspective, and to construct normative critiques of political behavior. This includes concepts such as the state, power, political actors, social science research methods, and political values. With these tools, students will focus on and investigate political problems on a national and global level as well as define central concepts related to the study of political science.