Mar 28, 2025  
MCCC College Catalog 2024-2025 
MCCC College Catalog 2024-2025

Registration Information

Schedule of Classes

Prior to the registration period for each semester, a schedule of classes is published and posted on the MCCC website containing the classes offered and information on registration procedures.

Fall and Winter Semesters

Each Fall and Winter semester consists of approximately 15 weeks. The maximum full-time load is 17 credits. A student desiring to carry more than 17 credits must obtain the approval of the vice president of instruction, the vice president of enrollment management and student success, or their designated representative.

Students may be required to limit their course load to fewer credits per semester if on academic probation or if placement test scores indicate that such limitation is desirable. Such students may also be required to take specified courses.

Summer Semester

As part of the regular academic calendar, the college schedules an eight- to ten-week Summer Semester from mid-May through the first week of August.

The maximum number of credits allowed without official approval in Summer Semester is nine hours.

Full-time Student Definition

The minimum course load required to be considered a full-time student is 12 credits for the Fall and Winter semesters, and nine credits for Summer semester. Audited courses do not count toward determining course load.

Late Registration/Adding a Course

Courses may be registered for or added prior to the second scheduled meeting of the class. Short courses - Summer semester or classes that meet only once a week - may not be entered once the class has met for the first time.

Online classes may not be entered after the third day of the semester/term.

Dropping/Adding Classes and Withdrawals

Adds and drops may be processed by completing an Add/Drop Form and returning it to the Registrar’s Office on Main Campus. Students must have a conversation with their instructor prior to dropping a course. Proof of this conversation must be provided to the Registrar’s Office along with the drop form (instructor signature on drop slip or printed email of conversation). If a student has financial aid, it is recommended a conversation also occurs with the Financial Aid Office.

Student-initiated Drop from Class or Classes: Upon official voluntary withdrawal from class or classes, a “W” (indicator of withdrawal) is assigned as follows:

  • If a drop is made by the end of the first week of a full semester (15 weeks) class, no “W” will be recorded.
  • After week one but before the end of the 12th week of a full semester class (prorated for classes less than the full semester), the “W” (withdrawal) is automatically recorded.
  • After the 12th week of a full semester class (prorated for classes less than the full semester), no withdrawals will be processed. Properly documented exceptions, including health and medical emergencies or an error in processing may be considered.
  • The “W” (indicator of withdrawal) is not assigned by instructor. After the semester (Fall, Winter, Summer) has ended, no grade may be changed to “W.” Properly documented exceptions, including medical emergencies or an error in processing, may be considered.
  • Summer Semester and courses shorter than a semester in length will have the appropriate dates for drop and withdrawal prorated as necessary.

Instructor-initiated Withdrawal from Class or Classes: A faculty member may request that a student be withdrawn from class during the first 10 weeks of the Fall and Winter semesters. Dates are prorated for Summer Semester and any nonstandard-length course. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The faculty member submits a Faculty-initiated Withdrawal Form to the Registrar’s Office.
  2. The registrar notifies the student via student email account that the instructor recommended the student be withdrawn from class and assigned the indicator of “W” (withdrawal).
  3. If the student does not respond within seven calendar days, the withdrawal form is processed and a “W” will be recorded.
  4. The “W” (indicator of withdrawal) is not assigned by instructor. After the semester (Fall, Winter, or Summer) has ended, no grade may be changed to “W.”

Withdrawal: Students may withdraw from a full semester course via myWebPAL or in person up to and including the 12th week of the class. No withdrawals will be processed after that date. The withdrawal deadline is prorated for any course less (or more) than the full semester. Properly documented exceptions, including medical emergencies or an error in processing, may be considered.

Pass/Fail Option

Students are strongly encouraged to investigate carefully the pass/fail option as it relates to restrictions on programs, as well as the effect upon the future employment and transferability to senior institutions. Students must also investigate the effect of a pass/fail when applying to various graduate schools.

  • The pass/fail option will be available to all students once the required form is completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office.
  • All courses that appear on the schedule will be made available to students on a pass/fail basis.
  • The “P” (pass) grade shall be equivalent to A, A-,B+, B-, C+ and C.
  • The deadline for changing from the pass/fail option to the traditional grading system, and vice versa, will be no later than the mid-point of any course.
  • Courses elected on the pass/fail option will count toward graduation. However, a student shall not exceed 12 hours of “P” (pass) in a degree program and/or one course during any semester.
  • The “P” (pass) and “F” (fail) will appear on the transcript but will not be used in the computation of the honor point average.

Student Learning Definitions

Face-to-Face: Courses require students to come to the MCCC campus on prescribed days and times. These courses may utilize a Web-based component as a supplement to the instructor’s face-to-face classroom instruction.

Blended: Courses blend face-to-face classroom instruction with a significant amount of Web-based instruction. The class schedule in these courses will require the student to come to MCCC campus as established by the instructor.

Online: Courses deliver instruction in an entirely Web-based format. Some exams and assignments may be required at authorized locations as established by the instructor.

Auditing Courses

A student wishing to enroll in a class as an auditor may do so by completing and submitting the necessary form to the Registrar’s Office by the mid-point of the course. Auditors are charged the same as students taking the course for credit. There is no credit earned for courses taken as audit. Auditors are not required to take exams, but are expected to attend class on a reasonable basis.

A student may not change to or from audit after the midpoint of the course.

Senior Citizen Scholarships

Monroe County residents who are age 60 or older qualify for a waiver for 50 percent of tuition. Registration, special fees, technology and lab fees will be charged. Credit by exam fees are not subject to waiver.

Incomplete Course Work

A student whose semester work is incomplete in a minor way may, upon presentation of reasons satisfactory to his or her instructor, be granted the privilege of completing the work by the end of the 12th week of the next regular semester. If granted this privilege, a grade of “I” will be recorded. The student initiates the process by filling out the “Request for Incomplete” form and submits the form to the instructor. Following approval, the instructor submits the form to the registrar. The instructor will file with the registrar the Student Request for Incomplete Form which includes the grade to be given if the work is not completed. Failure on the part of the student to make up the incomplete work within the specified period of time will result in the grade indicated becoming the grade of record. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the work within the specified time limits. An “I” will not revert to a “W.” In extenuating circumstances, an extension beyond the normal period may be obtained by the completion of an incomplete extension request by the student, endorsed by the instructor.

Repeating Courses

Students are allowed to attempt the same course no more than three times. Each course in which the student has received a grade, pass/fail credit or audit will count as one attempt. Regardless of the student’s current best grade in a course, if the student has not reached the limit of three attempts, he or she may repeat the course. When repeating a course, the most recent grade earned is the “grade of record” for earning credit and computing the grade point average. All other attempts where a grade has been received, however, will remain on the transcript and are identified as repeats. After students have received a grade of “C” or better in a course which requires a prerequisite, they may not enroll for credit in the prerequisite course.

Deviations from the repeat procedure may only be made with appropriate approval of the dean of the division offering the course. If the appropriate dean is not available, the vice president of instruction or a designee may grant approval.

Sequential Course Limitations

After students have received a grade of “C” or better in a course which requires a prerequisite, they may not enroll for credit in the prerequisite course.

Credit for Independent Study

Independent study in a variety of academic disciplines is possible and encouraged for those students who desire the opportunity and challenge of investigating a particular body of knowledge outside of the structured classroom setting. Credit of one to four semester hours is available upon successful completion of an approved independent study plan. For further information, contact the appropriate division dean.

Veterans’ Benefits

Monroe County Community College welcomes and provides information, guidance and counseling to those eligible for educational benefits under applicable public laws. All students who are eligible for and elect to receive education and training benefits while attending Monroe County Community College may address inquiries for information to the Registrar’s Office at 1555 S. Raisinville Road, Monroe, MI 48161.

A student whose Monroe County Community College cumulative GPA drops below 1.800 may be certified for a maximum of two additional semesters. If, after these two semesters, he or she does not raise the cumulative GPA to a 1.800, no additional certifications will be submitted on behalf of the veteran, and the Veterans Administration will be notified that the student is on VA probation. Should the veteran raise his or her cumulative GPA to a 1.800 in subsequent semesters, the college can retroactively certify the veteran one full year.

Audited courses are not eligible for the GI Bill®.* 

*GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at” (for more information, visit the VA’s trademark website page: Trademark Terms of Use - Education and Training (

Applications and information regarding veterans benefits may be obtained in the Registrar’s Office.

Visit the college website for additional veterans’ information and forms.


Regular class attendance is necessary if a student is to receive maximum benefits from his or her work. Students are expected to attend all the sessions of class for which they are registered. Penalties may be imposed at the discretion of the individual instructor when he or she feels that the quality of the student’s work has been affected by absence or tardiness.

As a matter of courtesy, students should explain the reason for absence to their instructors.

Excused absences for participation in authorized campus activities shall in no way lessen student responsibilities for meeting the requirements of the class. Instructors will be notified of students participating in authorized campus activities. Students anticipating absences for these activities should notify the instructor.

Release of Information

Monroe County Community College is in compliance with the 1974 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Students are encouraged to stop in the Registrar’s Office to learn more about their rights and privileges under this law. Essentially, it allows students to view the contents of most of their records currently on file at the college.

Also, under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, the college is allowed to release directory information on a student. MCCC has defined directory information as: name, address, email address, terms of attendance, enrollment status, degrees and awards received and most recent previous educational institution attended. No other information will be released without written authorization from the student.

If a student wishes the college to withhold this information, the student must inform the registrar, in writing, each semester. MCCC does not sell or otherwise provide mailing lists to companies or individuals outside the college other than required by state or federal regulations.

Records Retention

Registration and drop/add forms are normally retained by the college for a period of three years. Students with inquiries regarding their academic records are expected to contact the Registrar’s Office within that time period.

Tuition and Fees

Fundamental to the community college philosophy is the concept that quality education be available at low cost. The method used to calculate the cost of instruction at Monroe County Community College is based on billable contact hours. Visit the college website for a listing of current tuition and fees.

Payment of Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees are due and payable at the time of registration. A Deferred Payment Plan is available for students. The formulation of regulations regarding payment of tuition and fees and granting of refunds is the responsibility of the vice president of administration.

Residence Status

Tuition will be assessed and collected according to the residence status of the student on the first day of the semester, or the first day the student is officially enrolled after the first day of the semester.

Resident rates will be assessed in cases where:

  1. The student, or parents of a dependent student, own either property or a business that is located within Monroe County (Michigan).
  2. The student’s tuition is paid by his or her employer and either the student or the employer is considered a county resident. (An employer is considered a county resident if that employer operates a business, or branch thereof, within Monroe County (Michigan).
  3. The student is considered a resident as defined below:
    • If a student is a dependent and his or her parent or legal guardian is a resident of Monroe County. Student must be claimed on current health insurance or prior tax return of parent/legal guardian.
    • A person may qualify as a resident by residing: 1) six months within the state of Michigan, and 2) 30 days within a Monroe County (Michigan) precinct. If a person moves to another precinct within the county, he or she is still considered a resident of the county.
    • The student is an active employee of an eligible Monroe County business and meets the following requirements regardless of the student’s residence (An eligible employer is considered a Monroe County business if that employer operates a business, or branch thereof, within Monroe County, Michigan):
    • The student has been employed for at least six (6) months by the eligible employer; The student submits proof of employment from the eligible employer; and the student provides verification that they work an average of no less than 10 hours per week for the eligible employer. (To qualify for and maintain eligibility status for resident rates, students under this category must provide proof of meeting the requirements for each semester in which they are enrolled.)
    • Any individual using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill®* - Active Duty Program), Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation), Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI Bill®*), Chapter 35 (Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program) and Chapter 1606 of Title 10 U.S.C. (Montgomery GI Bill®* - Selected Reserve ), of Title 38, United States Code, and/or the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. §3311 (b)(9)) who lives in the State of Michigan while attending Monroe County Community College (regardless of his/her formal state of residence) shall be charged no more than in-county tuition.
      *GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at” (for more information, visit the VA’s trademark website page: Trademark Terms of Use - Education and Training ( 
  4. The student’s tuition is being paid by his or her high school via Michigan Dual Enrollment. In cases where the residency of a student is considered in doubt, the student may be asked to provide proof in the form of: 1) a Michigan driver’s license, 2) a vehicle registration form (preprinted by the Secretary of State), 3) an up-to-date voter registration card, 4) an official communication from a municipal official indicating how long the student has resided in the county.

Questions concerning individual cases in regard to these regulations should be directed to the registrar.

Refund of Tuition and Fees

The following is the policy established by the college for refunds of tuition and fees and covers individual class drops, class withdrawals and complete withdrawals from the college.

A student is considered enrolled in a class until a signed drop form is submitted to the Registrar’s Office or until the student successfully processes a drop via myWebPAL. Non-attendance is not considered an official notice of withdrawal.

The tuition refund computation is not based on the amount paid, but rather on the total amount of tuition and fees assessed. No tuition refunds will be made after the end of the second week of classes and no exceptions to the policy will be made for students who enter late. Exceptional circumstances such as military service, death in immediate family, serious illness or hospitalization will be taken into consideration. A written request for exception to the refund policy must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office within 10 days of last attendance in class.

Fall and Winter Full Semester Courses

During the first week of the semester - 100 percent refund on any or all classes dropped.

During the second week of the semester - 50 percent refund on any or all classes dropped; however, lab fees are not refundable.

Summer and Courses Less than One Semester in Length

If a course is completed within 1-13 calendar days, the 100 percent refund will apply when withdrawing prior to the day of the first class meeting. No refund will be issued after this time.

If a course is completed within 14-84 calendar days, the 100 percent refund will apply when withdrawing on the first four business days of the semester. If withdrawing on the fifth through eighth business days of the semester, students will receive a 50 percent refund; however, lab fees are not refundable. No refunds will be issued after this time.

Withdrawals and Financial Aid

No financial aid refunds will be made to students receiving assistance through the Michigan Bureau of Rehabilitation, Michigan Office of Services for the Blind or Michigan Veterans Trust Fund until MCCC receives the funds from the agency that is providing the financial assistance for the student.

All students who wish to withdraw must follow MCCC’s official withdrawal policy. If students officially withdraw or stop attending all their classes, they may be required to repay all or part of the Title IV financial aid disbursed to them in the term they withdrew. The federal formula requires a return of Title IV financial aid if the student received federal financial aid assistance in the form of a Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Stafford Direct Loan, Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students, or other federal assistance, and withdrew before completing more than 60 percent of the term. This calculation determines the amount of aid earned by the student which he/she may keep, and it is based on the number of days the student attended the term. The unearned amount of financial aid must be returned in the following order:

  1. Unsubsidized Stafford Direct Loan
  2. Subsidized Stafford Direct Loan
  3. Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students
  4. Pell Grants
  5. Iraq and Afghanistan Grant
  6. Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
  7. Other federal assistance

Students receiving financial aid through the State of Michigan aid programs may also be required to repay all or part of the state financial aid disbursed to them in the term they withdraw.

Students who have questions regarding how withdrawing from classes will affect their financial aid should contact the MCCC Financial Aid office at 734.384.4135.