Feb 11, 2025  
MCCC College Catalog 2024-2025 
MCCC College Catalog 2024-2025

Grading System

Grade Reports

Grades are available to students online via myWebPAL. Students who need a printed copy for scholarship or employer reimbursement purposes are able to receive one by calling the Registrar’s Office at 734.384.4108. Grade reports requested by students will be mailed every Friday.

Grading System

Grade points are assigned as indicated.

Letter Grade   Grade Points Per Credit Hour  
A   4.0  
A-   3.7  
B+   3.3  
B   3.0  
B-   2.7  
C+   2.3  
C   2.0  
C-   1.7  
D+   1.3  
D   1.0  
D-   0.7  
E Failure 0  
*E Course included in Academic Forgiveness Policy
I Incomplete
W Withdrew
WA Withdrawal Appeal approved for extenuating circumstances
AU Audit
*S Satisfactory
*U Unsatisfactory
V Indicates Transfer Credit Accepted
TR Indicates Transfer Credit Accepted
N No Grade
X Grade Processing Error
*P Pass (A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C)
*F Fail (C-, D, E)
*H Satisfactory completion of a developmental course - credit does not apply toward graduation
HON Honors section
1 Denotes prior attempt of a repeated course
R Repeated class, prior attempt
CEU Courses that earn CEU’s are identified with a course number between 700-899 and do not apply toward graduation.
* Not included in GPA

Actual grading practices regarding letter grades awarded may differ among faculty/divisions.

Appeal Procedure for Grade Change

The appeal process shall consist of an initial appeal to the instructor in question, a second appeal to the dean of the division the instructor is teaching in, and a final appeal to a board consisting of three nonadministrative faculty members and two students to be appointed by the vice president of instruction. The decision of the appeal board will be final and binding. A tie vote by the board will result in the grade remaining unchanged.

Students wishing to initiate a grade appeal have up to six months from the time the grade was issued to request the vice president of instruction to appoint an appeal board to hear the arguments. The request must be made in writing.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

To compute the semester grade point average, divide the semester honor points earned by the semester credit hours attempted.

Semester Honor Points Earned (Honor Points) = Sem. GPA
Semester Credit Hours Attempted (GPA Hours)
Example: Grade Honor Points  
English A = 4 x 3 credits = 12 points  
Biology B = 3 x 4 credits = 12 points  
Psychology C = 2 x 4 credits = 8 points  
Political Science D = 1 x 3 credits = 3 points  
Math E = 0 x 3 credits = 0 points  
  Honor points - 35 = 2.058 GPA  
  Hours attempted - 17  

To compute the cumulative Grade Point Average, divide the total honor points earned by the total credit hours attempted in all semesters. A cumulative Grade Point Average of “C” (2.0) is required for graduation.

Total Honor Points Earned (Honor Points) = Cumulative GPA
Total Credit Hours Attempted (GPA hours)

NOTE: Credit accepted from other institutions is not used to calculate the student’s GPA at Monroe County Community College.

Credit Hours

All courses carry a specified number of credits. A three-credit lecture course meets three clock hours per week during the 15-week semester. More clock hours per week are required during short courses. Certain courses that require laboratory work or skill practice may meet for more hours per week than the number of credits they confer.

MCCC courses have a minimum of 800 instructional minutes per credit hour.

Academic Honors

Dean’s List

Students who complete 12 or more academic credits during the Fall and/or Winter semester(s) and earned a semester grade point average of 3.5 or higher will be placed on the Dean’s List for that semester. The names of students qualifying for the Dean’s List will be distributed to the media.

Graduation with Honors

Students who maintain a 3.5 overall average or higher upon graduation are awarded graduation honors at commencement. As grades are not available in time for the ceremony, honors in the commencement program are based on the cumulative GPA at the end of the term preceding graduation. Graduation with honors is, however, placed on the transcript and the diploma using the GPA upon completion of the requirements for the degree.

Honors Designation GPA Required
Summa Cum Laude 3.900 to 4.000
Magna Cum Laude 3.700 to 3.899
Cum Laude 3.500 to 3.699


A transcript is the official cumulative record of a student’s enrollment at Monroe County Community College. This data is maintained by the Registrar’s Office and is cumulative from the student’s first attendance at MCCC.

Students request official transcripts online at www.monroeccc.edu or via myWebPAL. MCCC will not release a transcript if the student has a financial hold.

Unofficial transcripts can be viewed and printed via myWebPAL or may be obtained at no charge upon request. (Picture ID is required).

All official transcripts are requested online at www.monroeccc.edu.

Transcripts from other institutions will not be released or photocopied.

To comply with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, no transcript will be released to a third party without the written authorization of the student.