Associate of Arts, A.A.
To earn the associate of arts degree, the student must successfully complete courses from the following areas:
General Education
(See the General Education Requirements for a list of courses that satisfy the General Education Learning Competencies approved list of courses.)
Institutional Goal: Critical Thinking
- C1: GE Natural Sciences Competency: Understand and apply the elements of C1 scientific inquiry and scientific principles in a natural science college laboratory course setting.
- C2: GE Mathematics Competency: Use mathematics to effectively model and evaluate quantitative relationships.
Institutional Goal: Communication
- C3: GE Writing Competency: Write effectively.
- C4: GE Computer Literacy Competency: Understand and apply current and appropriate technology tools and resources.
Institutional Goal: Social and Cultural Awareness
- C5: GE Human Experience Competency: Recognize expressions of the human experience.
- C6: GE Social Systems Competency: Understand the processes that influence human values, thoughts, social systems and behavior.
Written Communication - 3 Semester Hours
In addition to the course taken to meet the General Education Competency (C3), the student must successfully complete one additional writing course selected from ENGL 154 , ENGL 152 , ENGL 155 or ENGL 254 . Social Science - 9 Semester Hours
In addition to the courses taken to meet the General Education Competencies (C5) and (C6), the student must successfully complete nine additional semester hours selected from two different subject areas listed below: Anthropology, economics, geography (except GEOG 151 ), history, political science, psychology, social work, sociology or criminal justice. Humanities - 6 Semester Hours
In addition to the courses taken to meet the General Education Competencies (C5) and (C6), the student must successfully complete six additional semester hours selected from two different subject areas listed below: Art, communications, English (excluding English courses taken to meet the Writing Effectively competency and the written communications requirement), humanities, journalism, music, philosophy, speech or theater. Foreign Language - 8 Semester Hours
The student must successfully complete eight semester hours of one foreign language. Students with a minimum of four semesters of one foreign language in high school may petition the dean of humanities/social sciences for a waiver of one course (four credits) of this requirement. Students receiving waivers do not earn college credit and will need to earn additional hours to meet the 60-hour degree requirement. Students can earn a Global Studies Degree Designation at MCCC.
Associate of Science, A.S.
To earn the associate of science degree, the student must successfully complete courses from the following areas:
General Education
(See the General Education Requirements for a list of courses that satisfy the General Education Learning Competencies.)
Institutional Goal: Critical Thinking
- C1: GE Natural Sciences Competency: Understand and apply the elements of scientific inquiry and scientific principles in a natural science college laboratory course setting.
- C2: GE Mathematics Competency: Use mathematics to effectively model and evaluate quantitative relationships.
Institutional Goal: Communication
- C3: GE Writing Competency: Write effectively.
- C4: GE Computer Literacy Competency: Understand and apply current and appropriate technology tools and resources.
Institutional Goal: Social and Cultural Awareness
- C5: GE Human Experience Competency: Recognize expressions of the human experience.
- C6: GE Social Systems Competency: Understand the processes that influence human values, thoughts, social systems and behavior.
Written Communication - 3 Semester Hours
In addition to the course taken to meet the General Education Competency (C3), the student must successfully complete one additional writing course selected from ENGL 154 , ENGL 152 , ENGL 155 or ENGL 254 . Social Science - 6 Semester Hours
In addition to the courses taken to meet the General Education Competencies (C5) and (C6), the student must successfully complete an additional six semester hours selected from two subject areas listed below: Anthropology, economics, geography (except GEOG 151 ), history, political science, psychology, social work, sociology or criminal justice. Students can earn a Global Studies Degree Designation at MCCC.
Associate of Fine Arts, A.F.A.
To earn the associate of fine arts degree, students must successfully complete courses from the following areas.
General Education
(See the General Education Requirements for a list of courses that satisfy the General Education Learning Competencies.)
Institutional Goal: Critical Thinking
- C1: GE Natural Sciences Competency: Understand and apply the elements of scientific inquiry and scientific principles in a natural science college laboratory course setting.
- C2: GE Mathematics Competency: Use mathematics to effectively model and evaluate quantitative relationships.
Institutional Goal: Communication
- C3: GE Writing Competency: Write effectively.
- C4: GE Computer Literacy Competency: Understand and apply current and appropriate technology tools and resources.
Institutional Goal: Social and Cultural Awareness
- C5: GE Human Experience Competency: Recognize expressions of the human experience.
- C6: GE Social Systems Competency: Understand the processes that influence human values, thoughts, social systems and behavior.
Social Science - 3 Semester Hours
In addition to the courses taken to meet the General Education Competencies (C5) and (C6), the student must successfully complete an additional three semester hours selected from two subject areas listed below: Anthropology, economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, social work, sociology or criminal justice. Humanities - 3 Semester Hours
In addition to the courses taken to meet the General Education Competencies (C5) and (C6), the student must successfully complete an additional three semester hours selected from two subject areas listed below: Art, communications, English (except ENGL 151 ), foreign language, humanities, journalism, music, philosophy, speech or theater. Area of Specialization - 32 semester hours of ART courses
The student must successfully complete one of the art curricula that reflects a high degree of specialization. Students can earn a Global Studies Degree Designation at MCCC.
Associate of Applied Science, A.A.S.
To earn the associate of applied science degree students must successfully complete courses from the following areas.
General Education
(See the General Education Requirements for a list of courses that satisfy the General Education Learning Competencies.)
Institutional Goal: Critical Thinking
- C1: GE Natural Sciences Competency: Understand and apply the elements of scientific inquiry and scientific principles in a natural science college laboratory course setting.
- C2: GE Mathematics Competency: Use mathematics to effectively model and evaluate quantitative relationships.
Institutional Goal: Communication
- C3: GE Writing Competency: Write effectively.
- C4: GE Computer Competency: Understand and apply current and appropriate technology tools and resources.
Institutional Goal: Social and Cultural Awareness
- C5: GE Human Experience Competency: Recognize expressions of the human experience.
- C6: GE Social Systems Competency: Understand the processes that influence human values, thoughts, social systems and behavior.
Technical and Specialty Areas
32 or more semester hours as outlined in specific AAS degree programs or specialty areas. Deviation from a specified program may be made only with approval of the division dean, vice president of instruction or their designees. Apprenticeship Training
A maximum of 32 credits for apprentice training completion may be awarded toward required coursework for the associate degree. Students interested in applying apprentice training toward credit for this degree need to produce documentation of successful completion of the apprenticeship training through the following: 1) Authenticated or official copies of completion certificate, and 2) Transcripts of courses completed toward fulfillment of the apprentice training that clearly show course names and titles, where available. Students can earn a Global Studies Degree Designation at MCCC.