Mar 28, 2025  
MCCC College Catalog 2024-2025 
MCCC College Catalog 2024-2025

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Graduation/Completion Information

Student Right to Know Act

The United States Department of Education requires all community colleges to provide current and prospective students with historical data regarding the number of students who complete a degree or a certificate. This data has been standardized so all colleges provide the information on a consistent basis. The reporting covers only students who indicated at the time of their college admission that they were seeking a degree or a certificate, and is compiled three years after their date of admission. The information was retrieved from college records and responses from a student questionnaire.

In addition to the above criteria, the following numbers cover only full-time (12 credit hours or more) students whose first semester at Monroe County Community College was Fall 2005. MCCC is proud to note that community colleges in general have an excellent reputation for meeting their students’ goals, whether those goals are to receive a degree or certificate or prepare for a career or improve job skills. Because many of the programs offered at MCCC do not lead to a degree or certificate, we are especially pleased with our 33 percent graduation rate that compares favorably with other Michigan community colleges.

Academic Forgiveness Policy

Monroe County Community College recognizes that some students experience difficulty with academic performance due to life’s circumstances, and oftentimes their subsequent academic record prohibits them from achieving educational and career goals. For example, life’s circumstances may include - but are not limited to - personal, emotional and/or financial problems or devastating and unavoidable events that did not permit them to perform at a level representative of their abilities. In an effort to lessen the negative impact of past performance on the student’s ability to earn a degree, certificate or successful transfer, the college offers to students the Academic Forgiveness Policy.

The primary purpose of this policy is to provide a “fresh start” to those students who performed poorly in the past but have since demonstrated an ability to succeed with college-level academic studies. This policy is not intended to permit students with chronically poor performance to stay in college, nor to raise false hopes for students who are not making progress.

Through academic forgiveness, the student may petition to have his/her academic grade point average recalculated with failing “E” grades forgiven according to the eligibility criteria and stipulations specified below. As an alternative to academic forgiveness, students are encouraged to consider the course-repeat option, whenever possible, to improve the GPA. Because this forgiveness policy may be granted one time only, students should discuss its appropriateness with a college counselor in the Admissions and Guidance Office.

When the eligibility requirements have been fulfilled and approved, the student’s cumulative GPA will be recalculated with the “E” grades removed from the calculation. Forgiven grades of “E” will remain on the student transcript with a special notation explaining this policy.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Forgiveness will be granted one time only for a student.
  2. A maximum of 16 semester hours of “E” grades for courses numbered 100-level and above may be applied toward this policy.
  3. If fewer than 36 months have elapsed since the end of the semester in which the last “E” grade to be forgiven was received, before the Academic Forgiveness Policy is applied, the student must have successfully completed (with a 2.00 GPA or higher) a minimum of 30 credit hours in courses numbered 100 or above.
  4. If more than 36 months have elapsed since the end of the semester in which the last “E” grade to be forgiven was received, before the Academic Forgiveness Policy is applied, the student must have successfully completed (with a 2.00 GPA or higher) a minimum of 12 credit hours in courses numbered 100 or above.


  1. The student may obtain an application for Academic Forgiveness from the college registrar. The submitted application is reviewed by the registrar for accuracy and is approved if all eligibility criteria and stipulations have been met.
  2. The Financial Aid Office does not accept “forgiveness status” in the calculation of cumulative GPA for standards of progress.
  3. Academic forgiveness, when granted, applies only to MCCC courses. There is no guarantee, expressed or implied, that academic forgiveness will be recognized by any other college or university.
  4. Grades of “E” that have been documented for academic dishonesty are not eligible under this policy.
  5. Limited access programs such as, but not limited to, nursing, respiratory therapy, and culinary and foodservice education have program-specific academic standards, which address course failure/withdrawal for students enrolled in these programs.
  6. A student can graduate with honors only if all grades are calculated, including forgiven “E” grades.

Academic Probation and Academic Dismissal Policy

A student who has completed 10 credit hours or more (and received a grade of A, B, C, D or E) at Monroe County Community College is automatically placed on probation at the end of the semester when his/her cumulative grade point average falls below 1.8.

A student who has been placed on probation will be removed from probation when he/she has achieved a cumulative grade point average of 1.8 or more. Students on academic probation may not enroll for more than 12 semester hours. A student on probation who earns a semester grade point average of 2.5 or higher while taking 10 credit hours may carry 15 hours the next semester with the approval of his/her adviser.

During the semester in which the 20th semester hour is completed, a student on probation who fails to raise his/her cumulative grade point average to 1.8 or more will be subject to dismissal. Cases of dismissal may be appealed to the Academic Review Committee. A dismissed student who appeals to the Academic Review Committee and is readmitted must continue to meet with the Academic Review Committee prior to registration for any subsequent semester or until such time the cumulative grade point average improves to 1.8 or higher. A readmitted student who achieves a grade point average of 2.25 or higher, even though his/her cumulative grade point average is not 1.8, will be considered to have demonstrated significant improvement and will automatically be continued on probation for the next semester.

Exceptions to this policy may be made by the vice president of enrollment management and student success or his/her designee.

Student Code of Conduct and Due Process With Regard to Discipline Other Than Academic

Monroe County Community College is committed to maintaining a teaching and learning environment that fosters critical thinking, creativity, personal integrity and positive self-esteem. The intent of this document is to define a collegiate standard of behavior and to describe the actions to be taken if a person disregards this standard.

Rights and Responsibilities

Students have the rights and accept the responsibilities of participating in the educational process when they participate in any course, seminar or activity sponsored by MCCC. Each student is expected to respect the rights of others and to help create a positive environment where diversity of people and ideas are valued and tolerated. A collegiate community should be free from intimidation, discrimination, harassment and violence. Students are expected to know and obey federal, state and local ordinances, as well as college policies and procedures.

The Americans With Disabilities Act With Amendments (2008) affords students an equal opportunity to participate in educational courses/programs/services. If you have a permanent disability and require accommodations in order to meet the guidelines set forth in the MCCC Student Code of Conduct, please contact the Disability Services Office at 734.384.4167, located in the Student Success Center in Founders Hall.

Code of Conduct

Students at MCCC are expected to show respect for order, law, the rights of others and the mission of the college, as well as to maintain standards of personal integrity.

Behavior that violates these standards includes, but is not limited to:

  • Obstruction or disruption of teaching, administration or other normal college operations or activities.
  • Dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault. Failure to comply with directions of college officials, Safety Services or other law enforcement officers while acting in the performance of their duties.
  • Direct or indirect threats to the health or safety of self or others.
  • Illegal use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages, narcotics or controlled substances, or public intoxication.
  • Theft or destruction of college property.
  • Unauthorized entry or use of college facilities.
  • Misuse of college or personal technology or violation of the Acceptable Use Policy.
  • Harassment or discrimination.
  • Possession of firearms, explosives, chemicals or other dangerous weapons.
  • Conduct which is disorderly, lewd or indecent.

Disciplinary Procedure

Action by the vice president of enrollment management and student success may be initiated upon his/her knowledge of any student conduct considered to be unsatisfactory. Action will also be initiated upon the receipt of a written statement from any Monroe County Community College employee who reports that a student’s conduct has been unsatisfactory. The vice president of enrollment management and student success will then:

  1. Notify the student in writing within five* working days of the complaint filed against him/her, and/or arrange for a conference with said student.
  2. Meet with the student whose conduct has been accused of being unsatisfactory.
  3. Make a decision of what disciplinary status to impose upon the student based upon the severity of the problem:
    • Warn the student that past conduct or behavior has not been satisfactory and/or
    • Curtail specified privileges for a designated period of time and/or
    • Have the student make financial restitution to the college and/or
    • Dismiss or suspend the student from the college.
  4. Send a certified letter within five* working days to let the student know what disciplinary action will be taken and that he/she can appeal the decision.


A student may appeal the decision rendered by the vice president of enrollment management and student success and request a review by the college president. The appeal must be initiated within five* working days of the vice president’s decision. After review, the president’s
decision is final and binding.

*All procedural timelines may be adjusted by the vice president in the interest of facilitating due process and fairness.

Guidelines For Classroom Discipline

If a student behaves in a disruptive or unsafe manner, the instructor in charge may dismiss the student responsible from the class. The instructor should review the student’s behavior with the student prior to the next class meeting to determine cause for further action. The instructor may permit the student to return to class after satisfying himself or herself of the student’s desire to refrain from the behavior that led to his/her suspension. The instructor may decide to disallow the student’s continuation in the class. It is the duty of the instructor in charge, however, to inform the student that he/she may appeal the dismissal to the instructor’s division dean. If the student is not readmitted to class, it is also the duty of the instructor to notify his/her division dean of the student’s dismissal.

Should the student appeal his/her dismissal to the instructor’s division dean, it will be the responsibility of the instructor and the division dean to come to an agreement as to whether the student should be allowed to return to the instructor’s class. This agreement must be reached as soon as possible, but should not exceed 48 hours from the time the student is dismissed from class.

If the division dean, the instructor and the student cannot reach an agreement allowing a student to return to class, a committee will be established and called into session within an additional 48 hours to hear the facts from all parties involved. This committee will be formed as follows: Student Government shall appoint two students with no vested interest to the appeal committee; the chair of the academic review committee will appoint two non-vested faculty members to the committee, and the vice president of enrollment management and student success will appoint one administrator not directly related to the problem. This committee will make its recommendation to the vice president of instruction. The decision of the vice president of instruction is final and binding.

Anti-Bullying Policy

It is the policy of the college that bullying behavior by or against any member of the college community, whether student, employee, or guest, will not be tolerated. If inappropriate bullying behavior is found to have occurred, prompt remedial action will be taken.  Any employee found to have engaged in prohibited bullying or retaliatory behavior is subject to immediate discipline up to and including termination, and any student found to have engaged in prohibited bullying or retaliatory behavior is subject to immediate discipline, up to and including expulsion. While each circumstance is different, bullying is inappropriate, unwelcome behavior (which can be through verbal or other communication or physical contact) that targets an individual or group because of a characteristic of the individual or group, whether protected by anti-discrimination laws or not. Prohibited bullying may be the result of repeated behavior or, if sufficiently severe, a single incident; can be direct or indirect, and can be effectuated through verbal, physical, electronic or other means. Conduct constitutes prohibited bullying when a reasonable person would find the conduct sufficiently severe, based on its nature and frequency, and creates an environment that is hostile or intimidating and unreasonably interferes with the work, educational or college opportunity, or is intended to cause or is reasonably foreseeable to cause physical, emotional or psychological harm. Any individual who feels he/she has been the victim of prohibited bullying, or who witnesses any incident of bullying, should promptly report it. The college will investigate any allegation of bullying. No individual will be disciplined or retaliated against for making a good-faith complaint regarding bullying. 

Academic Dishonesty

The college expects students to be honest in all academic work and maintain integrity as well as the academic integrity and reputation of their institution. Consistent with the mission of the college, the goal of the disciplinary procedure is to maintain the academic excellence of the college while providing an opportunity for a life learning experience.

Academic dishonesty is any act, intentional or unintentional, to achieve academic credit, or in submission of work for any college activity, through means of: cheating, plagiarism, fabrication and/or falsification of records or documents, and/or aiding or abetting of any form of academic dishonesty.

Major categories of academic dishonesty include cheating, plagiarism, fabrication/falsification, and/or aiding or abetting. These categories are outlined below but are examples only and should not be construed to express all forms of unacceptable behavior that may exist under these categories.

It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of specific academic dishonesty policies followed in their programs and individual classes. These statements serve as a general guideline but are not all-inclusive.

Examples of Academic Dishonesty are as follows:

  1. Cheating
    Cheating can be defined as, but not limited to, the following examples:
    1. Submitting academic work of another without prior instructor authorization or written, official formatted sourcing.
    2. The use of any sources NOT authorized by faculty such as, but not limited to, items such as test bank items, previous student work (i.e., reusing a paper written for another course), classroom material, or the use of any previously done work that might be considered as cheating.
    3. The use or possession of devices such as, but not limited to, a smart phone, smart watch, smart tablet, or any electronic form of internet-based information not authorized during any course activity or any assessments of academic experiences.
    4. Communicating or sharing any information or materials found on exams, quizzes, assessments or any materials assigned within the course that are to be completed independently.
  2. Plagiarism
    Plagiarism can be defined as, but not limited to, the following:
    1. The use of other sources created by an individual, group, institution or any other source without proper attribution. Credit must be given to the creator using any formal writing format that outlines sourcing.
  3. Fabrication and or Falsification
    Fabrication or falsification can be defined as, but not limited to, the following examples:
    1. Falsifying or inventing any information on any documentation that was true to evidence of an act.
    2. The change or manipulation of any record or document so that no evidence of act exists.
    3. Communicating false or misleading information to any faculty member, employee, or affiliate for personal gain.
    4. Forging signatures.
  4. Aiding /Abetting of any form of academic dishonesty
    Aiding in or knowledge of any form of academic dishonesty can be defined as, but not limited to, the following examples:
    1. Sharing or allowing another student to copy any materials for course work.
    2. Knowledge of others’ academic dishonesty and withholding information.

Disciplinary Procedure

If an act(s) of academic dishonesty is/are determined by faculty, the academic dishonesty form will be initiated by the faculty and the following steps will be initiated:

  1. Faculty will email the vice president of enrollment management and student success to determine if prior instances of academic dishonesty are on record for student in question. The vice president of enrollment management and student success shall maintain a record of all acts of academic dishonesty.
  2. Faculty will notify the dean to place a “HOLD” on the student’s record. The hold will prevent the student from withdrawing during the review. (If the charge of academic dishonesty is set aside, the student may withdraw from the course following the withdrawal procedures for the time period of the initial incident).
  3. Faculty will provide level of severity of the action on the Academic Dishonesty Report Form and send to the dean and vice president of enrollment management and student success. (All evidence and correspondences between faculty and student should be included with the form that goes to the Office of Enrollment Management and Student Success.) The student will have seven days to complete the Academic Dishonesty Form and provide supporting documentation (agreeing/disagreeing with faculty recommendations) and return to vice president of enrollment management and student success to initiate the arbitration process.
  4. A meeting is set up between the student and the vice president of enrollment management and student success to discuss incident. Arbitration process begins with faculty and student input. As a result of arbitration, the vice president will inform the student and faculty of the discussed outcome. If either disagrees, the process will move to trial.

Appeals Procedure

(Procedural timelines may be waived by the vice president in the interest of facilitating due process and fairness).

If the student or faculty are dissatisfied with the arbitrated outcome,

  1. The vice president shall appoint an appeals committee composed of two students, two faculty members and an administrator to hear the appeals. The appointed administrator shall chair the committee. The vice president and the faculty member making the charge shall not serve on the committee.
  2. The committee will be charged with upholding the instructor’s original recommendation or agreeing upon a new disciplinary outcome. The committee’s determination shall be final and binding.
  3. Debriefing can be requested by either party with the vice president of enrollment management and student success, which can serve as a learning opportunity.

Access to Campus Facilities

In addition to sponsoring and co-sponsoring a variety of events in which college facilities and grounds are open to the public, the college may allow non-profit community groups and profit organizations to use college facilities. (MCCC Policies and Procedures 6.18(a)).

Students may also receive permission to access college buildings during non-operating hours if authorization is granted via a Building Admittance Permit. (MCCC Policies and Procedures 6.23).

Children on Campus

MCCC students, staff and visitors are absolutely prohibited from bringing children into the classroom or leaving children of any age on college property.

MCCC assumes no responsibility for the safety of children left on college property. Compliance with this rule is essential. There are no exceptions to the absolute prohibition against leaving children on college property.

Smoking and Tobacco Use Policy

Smoking and the use of all tobacco products is prohibited at the college and is subject to all applicable laws, including Federal and State “clean air” acts.

This tobacco-free policy prohibits the use of all tobacco products and includes use of all devices intended to simulate smoking, including electronic cigarettes and other similar types of devices.

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Monroe County Community College is concerned about the health and welfare of its employees and students. The college recognizes alcohol/drug dependency as an illness and a major health problem. The college also supports the state and federal laws regarding substance abuse and strives to create a healthy and productive academic, working and social environment. The abuse of alcohol and drugs raises not only serious health issues for those involved, but also can lead to accidents, poor productivity, property damage and even personal injury.

In compliance with the federal Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations, as well as the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act, MCCC has adopted a policy that requires employees and students to assist in maintaining a campus environment free from the effects of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substances.

Employees are prohibited from the following when reporting for work, while on the job or performing job related functions regardless of location, while attending any college-related activity, while on campus, or while in any vehicle used for college business.

Similarly, students are prohibited from the following when attending classes, when attending any college-sponsored activity or program, regardless of the location, while on campus or while in any vehicle used for college business.

  • The unlawful use, possession, transportation, manufacture, sale or other distribution of an illegal or controlled substance or drug paraphernalia, or the misuse of or distribution to anyone other than the person to whom prescribed, of any prescription drug.
  • The unauthorized use, possession, transportation, manufacture, sale or other distribution of alcohol.
  • Being impaired by alcohol regardless of blood alcohol level, or having a blood alcohol level of legal limit, whether visibly impaired or not.
  • Having a detectable amount of an illegal or controlled substance in the blood or urine (whether visibly impaired or not) or abuse of any controlled substance or prescription medication.

This policy includes the prohibition against use, manufacture, possession or distribution of marijuana, whether or not for medical use and whether or not the individual possesses a certificate of medical need, since such use, manufacture possession or distribution of marijuana continues to be a violation of federal law.

In addition, no alcoholic beverages will be permitted on campus or sold or provided by the district at any college-sponsored event off campus, unless approved in writing by the college’s president or the president’s designee.

This policy extends to off-campus activities including, but not limited to, class-related trips, field trips, athletic events, study or review sessions at a faculty member’s home or other facility if faculty is present at the session. Presidential approval for the availability of alcohol under this policy will normally require the following.

  • Sponsors of an event must implement precautionary measures to ensure that alcoholic beverages are not accessible or served to persons under the legal drinking age or to persons who appear intoxicated. This shall include, but not be limited to, checking identification and training serving people and bartenders in alcohol management techniques.
  • Alcoholic beverages may be sold, furnished and consumed only within the area approved and designated for the event.
  • Non-alcoholic beverages must be available and identified at the same place as alcoholic beverages and be featured equally and at least as prominently as the alcoholic beverages.
  • No event shall include any form of “drinking contest” in its activities or promotion.
  • Advertisements for any college event where alcoholic beverages are served shall not focus on the availability of alcoholic beverages.
  • Compliance with the terms of any college insurance policy, if any, is required.
  • Any other requirements as the college, in its sole discretion, may impose.
  • Any student with a conviction for any offense under any federal or state law involving the possession or sale of illegal drugs during a period of enrollment for which the student is receiving Title IV HEA program funds will result in the loss of eligibility for any Title IV HEA grant, loan or work study assistance.

For the purpose of this policy, the term “controlled substance” refers to drugs and chemical substances listed in Schedules I through V of the Federal Controlled Substances Act (21 USC 812) and related regulations, such as, but not limited to, marijuana, cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, peyote, mescaline, LSD, etc. Substances prohibited under this policy are prohibited in any form, including but not limited to pills, inhalants and beverages. Any individual whose test for controlled substances or their metabolites is confirmed positive will be deemed to be in violation of this policy. A blood alcohol content (BAC) test will be deemed positive, and therefore the individual will be deemed to be in violation of this policy, if the BAC level is of legal limit or above.

Additional Requirements

A particular college-sponsored or related program or event, such as the Study Abroad Program, may have additional or different requirements or conditions which are applicable to employees or students involved with that particular program or event. Anyone involved with or participating in such programs or events is required to adhere to and comply with this policy as well any additional requirements of the particular program or event. However, to the extent that alcoholic beverages are consumed while participating in a Study Abroad Program, such use may be permitted if consistent with the Study Abroad Program policy and with the terms of the particular program in which a person is participating.

Violations by Employees

The college will impose disciplinary action up to and including the immediate termination of employment for violation of this drug and alcohol policy. Violations or suspected violations of this policy may also result in a referral to a law enforcement agency. Suspected violations by employees are to be reported to the Office of Human Resources as soon as possible.

Violations by Students

Students whom the college determines have violated this drug and alcohol policy will be placed on disciplinary status up to and including dismissal or suspension from the college. These students also may be subject to losing financial aid. Violations or suspected violations of this policy may also result in a referral to a law enforcement agency. Suspected violations by students are to be reported to the Office of the Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Success as soon as possible. (See MCCC Policy 3.10, Due Process with Regard to Discipline other than Academic.)

Notice of Drug-Related Convictions

Any employee, student or student assistant convicted under any drug or alcohol statute for a violation occurring while working for the college, while on campus, while in any vehicle used for college business, or under any other circumstances which constitute a violation of this policy must notify the college’s Office of Human Resources immediately after such a conviction. A conviction includes any finding of guilt, any guilty plea or plea of no contest and/or imposition of a fine, jail sentence or other penalty. The college will determine if college policies have been violated and what, if any, disciplinary action will be administered.

Any student with a conviction for any offense under any federal or state law involving the possession or sale of illegal drugs during a period of enrollment for which the student is receiving Title IV Higher Education Act (HEA) program funds will result in the loss of eligibility for any Title IV, HEA grant, loan or work study assistance.


MCCC is interested in the continued good health and personal well-being of the employees and students and we recognize that employees and students suffering from alcohol or drug dependence can be treated. Employees and students may contact the Director of Human Resources at 734.384.4245 or designee for a referral service. Any such contact will be kept in strict confidence except insofar as may be required by law. Employees may also contact Harbor Behavioral Health, the College’s Employee Assistance Program, by calling 800.422.5338. Local assistance may also be available through Promedica Monroe Regional Hospital. In addition, employees may be entitled to apply for a leave of absence so that they may address a substance abuse problem prior to it impacting their ability to do their job. We encourage any employee or student to seek professional care and counseling prior to any violation of this policy.

Violations of this policy will not be tolerated. For more information and additional resources, please see the Drug and Alcohol Resource Guidelines brochure found in Admissions or the College’s website

Substance Abuse/Behavioral Health Resources

Alcoholics Anonymous
Monroe County Mental
Health Authority
1001 S. Raisinville Rd.
Monroe, MI 48161
Behavioral Health
1725 Timberline
Maumee, OH 43537
Promedica Monroe
Regional Hospital
Behavioral Health Dept.
718 N. Macomb St.
Monroe, MI 48162
Catholic Social Services
16 East 5th Street
Monroe, MI 48161
Salvation Army
Harbor Light
3250 N. Monroe St.
Monroe, MI 48162
Harbor Behavioral Health
4334 Secor Rd.
Toledo, OH 43623


A copy of this policy is available to the students and public on the college website or by request.

Biennial Review and Records

The college will biennially review this policy as required by federal law. The college will also retain records regarding the implementation of this policy for at least three years, as required by federal law.

Copyright Policy

It shall be the policy of the Community College District of Monroe County to abide by the provisions of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 (Title 17, United States Code).

Employees of the District are expected to, without exception, work within the confines of the law. Penalties and/or liabilities which result due to failure to follow the precepts as outlined in the procedures statement 6.43 (a) will be borne solely by the violator. Monroe County Community College will not defend students, faculty or staff who engage in violations of copyright laws or license agreements.

Acceptable Use Policy

MCCC enforces an Acceptable Use Policy for the Information Technology Systems at Monroe County Community College (Policy 2.38). MCCC owns and operates a variety of systems (hardware, software and networks). Each time access is made to any of the above, users are agreeing to the Acceptable Use Policy 2.38.

Chosen Name Policy

It is the policy of the college that any individual may indicate a chosen first name in addition to their legal name, which will be displayed in college systems and in communication correspondences from the college, except where the use of the legal name is required, such as certain records, including transcripts, diplomas, grade reports, enrollment verifications, financial aid documents, IRS forms, paychecks, payroll records, retirement records and other records that require use of a legal name of record.

Individuals may provide chosen name on the Admissions Application and will have access to manage chosen first name through the Profile area in the myWebPAL Self-Service Main Page accessible through the the Students area of myWebPAL.