Feb 05, 2025
MCCC College Catalog 2024-2025
HPE 150 - Personal Health Credit Hours: 3 Billable Contact Hours: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL 090 and RDG 090 or qualifying scores on accepted placement tests Session Cycle: FWSU
This is a course designed to provide college students with the core concepts and practices related to all the common areas of personal health and wellness as well as examining their own health attitudes, beliefs and practices. Personal, local, state and national health problems are examined in an effort to provide the student with a broad knowledge and understanding of vital health issues as they impact on the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social well-being of the individual. Areas of health which are studied include: chemical dependency; cancer; heart disease and its related factors, such as exercise, nutrition, weight management and hypertension; marriage and family relationships. The critical thinking skills in this course will coincide with the student’s ability to think critically in order to solve problems related to the health, wellness and safety of individuals and society as a whole.