Feb 11, 2025
MCCC College Catalog 2024-2025
HIST 152 - Western Civil/1650 to Present Credit Hours: 3 Billable Contact Hours: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL 090 and RDG 090 or qualifying scores on accepted placement tests C6 General Education Social Systems Satisfier Y MTA Social Sciences Satisfier Y Global Studies Satisfier Course Y Session Cycle: WI
This course is a survey-level introduction to western civilizations from 1650 to today. This course will put careful examination on major developments in European and Western societies including, but not limited to, the Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, Imperialism, World Wars, Holocaust, the Cold War, and their connection to the modern day by using primary and secondary readings. Careful attention is paid to historiographical debates about Western Civilization; the tension between authoritarianism and classical liberalism; the development of capitalism, nationals and their critics; and artistic, philosophical, and social changes. This course is a satisfier course for the Global Studies Degree Designation.