Feb 15, 2025
MCCC College Catalog 2024-2025
HUMAN 152 - Exploring Creativity Credit Hours: 3 Billable Contact Hours: 3 Prerequisites: ENGL 090 and RDG 090 or qualifying scores on accepted placement tests MTA Humanities/Fine Arts Satisifer Y Session Cycle: FW
This class will examine, in detail, the creative process and the factors that surround it. Beginning with the trinity of creation–the person, the process and the product–the course will explore those characteristics of creative people that enhance creativity and also those elements that inhibit it. The class will be based on the experiences of those who are productive creators. We will note their thinking and feeling habits, examine their products, discover their processes and understand how creativity is part of everyone. Creative and lateral thinking processes will also be explored. A creativity project will be presented to the class by each student.