Mar 31, 2025
MCCC College Catalog 2024-2025
MATH 154 - Mathematics Explorations Credit Hours: 4 Billable Contact Hours: 4 Prerequisites: MATH 092 or MATH 105 or qualifying score on accepted placement tests C2 General Education Mathematics Satisfier Y MTA Mathematics Satisfier Y Session Cycle: FW
This is a college-level mathematics course designed primarily for non-math and non-science transfer majors with the purpose of introducing them to the nature of mathematics as it applies to both the practical and the abstract. Students will gain understanding in the areas of sets, logic, probability, statistics, algebra, geometry and math as they apply to the modern world. The history and the future of mathematics will be interspersed throughout the course as they apply to each topic. Topics will be explored with the use of computers, problem solving, critical thinking and group/self- discovery.