Mar 13, 2025  
MCCC College Catalog 2024-2025 
MCCC College Catalog 2024-2025

POLSC 158 - Introduction to Political Theory

Credit Hours: 3
Billable Contact Hours: 3
Prerequisites: RDG 090  and ENGL 090  or qualifying scores on accepted placement tests
C6 General Education Social Systems Satisfier Y
MTA Social Sciences Satisfier Y
Global Studies Satisfier Course Y
Session Cycle: FW

This course surveys the great western political thinkers and their ideas regarding justice. From Plato’s Republic to Rawl’s Theory of Justice, this course traces the development of western political thought from Ancient Greece to contemporary America. Students will learn how contemporary ideas regarding justice developed from ancient societies, how these ideas influenced historical change, and the diverse cultural background of these ideas (e.g. Ancient Greek, Italian, French, British, and American). Students will also learn how to reflect critically on these complex ideas, relating them to contemporary political issues, engaging in a normative critique of contemporary political and social institutions, and expressing these reflections through both oral and written communication. This course is a satisfier course for the Global Studies Degree Designation.